Do you recall the expression "food is love"? Recognize that nothing in the middle is exaggerated. Beyond the metaphor is a substantial reality. According to experts who have elucidated how high moods lower hunger. In the event of loneliness, the situation is quite different.

We all know that prolonged or severe stress is bad for the figure since it might increase hunger. Boredom, rage, and disappointment are all similar. Additionally, we know that the tendency is referred to as compulsive eating, a means of coping with bad feelings, as is loneliness, which is perhaps one of the most distressing aspects of life for most of us. That is because we are, at our core, social beings in need of companionship, attention, connection, and affection, with isolation being an unnatural environment.

The soul's void must be filled.

When there is no one with whom to share your thoughts, discuss your hopes and expectations, or discuss what happens to us, most of us unconsciously go toward the refrigerator or the bowl of chips, popcorn, or other snacks. In truth, excessive food consumption is motivated by a desire to fill an emotional emptiness and the absence of a loved one in one's life: friends, family, or loved ones. As a result, there is a problematic tendency for emotional food to be substituted for actual sustenance.

Loneliness impairs the proper functioning of several biological systems in the body: it elevates the number of stress hormones and may even change some genes associated with behavior.

Hunger is a real thing!

While it may appear to be a simple weakness, the urge of the only ones to eat practically constantly is conditioned by a series of intricate chemical interactions occurring in the body. According to a study undertaken by a group of specialists at Ohio University in the United States of America, lonely persons have a more robust physical hunger, not only emotional hunger, than those who have companions and fulfilling social life. The researchers discovered a more rapid and significant increase in ghrelin levels, the hormone generated by a chain of cells in the stomach and pancreas that regulates hunger and promotes appetite.

It also affects the immune system!

Loneliness has many negative consequences, including eating habits and weight profiles. Moreover, this has a detrimental influence on one's health. Scientific papers have been written based on compelling evidence that isolation and a lack of adequate social interactions alter the immune system's functioning, promote inflammation, and facilitate the onset of a wide variety of diseases, including heart disease, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Loneliness, in this context, is twice as detrimental as obesity and twice as hazardous as smoking.

How are you going to combat loneliness and hunger?

As with any problem, the first step in resolving it is acknowledging and accepting it. After completing this step, you can proceed. Next, consider what you can do to remedy this situation. For example, you may begin by picking up the phone whenever you feel hungry again, even if you have just risen from the table. And not to check your Facebook or Instagram accounts, but to phone a buddy.

Break free from your shell!

We strive to maintain contact with friends, virtual or otherwise. With the weather improving, you may envision yourself outdoors, vigilant. You might attempt to engage in social or volunteer activities. It will undoubtedly improve your mood and allow you to meet new individuals with similar interests with whom you may share pleasant experiences and possibly form friendships or, why not, something more profound. You never know where a rabbit will appear.


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